Regional Industrial Park "Northwest"

Regional Industrial Park "Northwest" in the city of Stavropol established in accordance with the decree of the Government of Stavropol Territory from 08.05.2013, № 143-p.

Areas of specialization of the park are: manufacturing, food processing, agricultural products, production of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products.

This specialization is chosen taking into account the existing premises. The development of the food processing industry due to the specialization of agriculture in the region and, accordingly, close-in raw materials. Implementation of the processing of agricultural products, it is necessary to carry out in the territory of the region. Region to promote their production more profitable brands rather than raw materials, while leaving the maximum amount of value-added products to local producers.

The total area of ​​the regional park is 77.4 hectares.

However, the question of creating engineering infrastructure for the operation of future residents. Currently defined point connectivity in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the industrial park. Also, the administration of the city of Stavropol received preliminary technical conditions for connection of supplying organizations.